Monday, February 16, 2009

Prezi Makes Powerful Presenatations

I saw a presentation created by Prezi a few weeks ago, and immediately I was hooked. I don't know about you, but PowerPoint is getting old and boring. I was thinking about PowerPoint the other day and realized that I had been using PowerPoint since the 8th grade for presentations...and that was 1997! I think that for the most part, PowerPoint is "been there, done that". I did find some game templates (Jeopardy, Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader) but for the most part I am bored with it.

Prezi is a "zooming presentation editor". What exactly does that mean? Well you basically have a huge virtual space to work with and you can choose the path for the presentation to follow. To move from topic to topic, the presentation moves across this virtual space and zooms on the topic.

It's free, it's fun, and the presentations are REALLY fascinating to watch!

Classroom Use:
So how could you use Prezi in your classroom? Introduce concepts, practice vocabulary, make connections to text, biographies, timelines...the possibilities are endless! Prezi is so easy to use that your students would be able to create their own presentations easily. You can also download the presentation so it can run-alone.

Now...the Bad News (but not that bad!):
Yes, Prezi is free to use but right now it is still in its "Beta" phase. To get an account, you must request an account and tell them what you will use it for. It may take awhile for the people at Prezi to grant you an account but it is well worth the wait. I think it took about 2 weeks for me to get my account. So if you wanted to create a Prezi presentation for something at the end of the week, it probably won't happen. But ask for an account and wait it out...your paitence will be rewarded!

This is the Prezi Presentation I have been working on for the 2009 ICE (Illinois Computer Educators) Conference later this month. Check it out - it's a work in progress!


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